Data types

EnergyMonitor provides access to two types of data:

  • Time series data
  • Auction data

Time series data

This type of data always has a given measurement/observation frequency, be it daily, hourly or quarter-hourly. To permit comparisons between time series with different frequencies, we have set quarter-hourly intervals as the common standard. Where measurements of volumes are taken at longer intervals, the quantities are split into equal amounts for each quarter-hour period within these intervals.

For example, if the AGCS Delta of a control area between 00:00 and 01:00 hours is 100MWh, it is stored in the system as follows:

  • 00:00–00:15  25 MWh
  • 00:15–00:30  25 MWh
  • 00:30–00:45  25 MWh
  • 00:45–01:00  25 MWh

This is the only way to maintain the comparability of time series with different granularities.

Price time series are expressed in EUR/MWh. The quarter-hourly prices within a given interval that is longer than 15 minutes are all the same. For example, if the gas clearing price between 00:00 and 1:00 hours is EUR 100/MWh then the data entries are as follows:

  • 00:00–00:15  EUR 100/MWh
  • 00:15–00:30  EUR 100/MWh
  • 00:30–00:45  EUR 100/MWh
  • 00:45–01:00  EUR 100/MWh

Auction data

The auction data relates to the bids submitted during an auction. It consists of the product for which a bid was submitted, the quantity and the price (e.g. SRL Peak, 10 MW, EUR 1/MWh). In the interests of comparability the data is not stored according to the time period covered by the product (e.g. SRL Peak, for delivery from 08:00 to 20:00 1 Jan. 2012) but according to the delivery date(s) (e.g. SRL Peak, 00:00 1 Jan. 2012 to 00:00 2 Jan. 2012).


Indices such as the EEX Base Price are treated as time series data, since the information concerns the auction results rather than the bids. The prices of block products (e.g. EEX Off Peak) are treated as valid for the entire delivery day (00:00 to 00:00 hours) and not merely for the periods covered by the products (e.g. EEX Off Peak 00:00 to 09:00 and 09:00 to 00:00 hours).
